Girls and Horses

Janet Biggs, 1996
Nine-channel SD video installation with sound
Running time: multiple loops of 1 to 3 minutes

This exhibition examines girls' relationships with horses, exploring issues of power, sexuality and autonomy. The multi-media installation includes video monitors, still photography, and wall-sized video projections. The elements work together to create an active environment which allows complete immersion in Biggs' vision. Many girls have experienced an infatuation with the horse. This romance takes many forms, from early play, through fantasy and desire, and perhaps to the act of riding. The horse, a symbol of beauty, power, freedom and magic, can be an object of identification or serve as a protector. This installation consists of three main elements: first, nine-year-old Amanda, trotting on a large white horse, appears to circle the gallery. This startling effect is achieved by rotating video projectors. The second element is a series of intimate looks at girls playing "horsey." Eight monitors present video loops: one shows a girl playing with a stick horse, one riding a coin operated horse, one shows three girls on a merry-go-round, and five loops show girls playing horsey with a parent. The third element is a large scale color photograph of a girl in her bedroom. The girl's favorite possessions surround her, including a plastic horse collection, horse show ribbons, saddle, and her diary. The bedroom is a shrine to the horse, and is evidence of girls' search for self-definition.