Digital Echo

by Janet Biggs, 2024

Multimedia live performance curated by Marta Ponsa as part of the exhibition Hable con ella — Dialogues avec l’IA, presented at Galerie Analix Forever, Geneva, Switzerland

I created A.I. Anne with technologist Richard Savery as a way to advocate for inclusion in the development of AI technologies - to advocate for all the absent voices, including the neurodiverse.

Language is loaded and biased. A.I. Anne is a storyteller, but only communicates through vocalizations and emotion. The entity was developed with prosody, the rhythms used in poetry. A.I. Anne can detect emotion and respond with emotion in real time.

Janet Biggs and Richard Savery have presented live and live-streamed performances that feature “A.I. Anne,” a machine learning entity that exhibits a range of responses based on Biggs’ autistic aunt’s behaviors and communication methods. The performances test novel ways of identifying and considering neural diversity and equity. A.I. Anne was created to drive multifactorial neurodevelopmental diverse inclusion in building and expanding technology.

We have been training and patterning an AI entity on one autistic individual’s phenotypic data to produce a series of innovative performances that explore the inclusion of neural diversity in creative collaborations with technology. The performances combine improvisation, vocalization and physical movement interwoven with storytelling.

This performance featured a duet between soprano Ileana Muñoz and A.I. Anne.